
我有docker ubuntu 16.04镜像,我正在运行aerospike服务器。

$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 3002:3002 -p 3003:3003 -p 8081:8081 --name aerospike aerospike/aerospike-server 


 $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES b0b4c63d7e22 aerospike/aerospike-server "/ asd" 36 seconds ago Up 35 seconds>3000-3003/tcp,>8081/tcp aerospike 


 $ docker exec -it b0b4c63d7e22 bash root@b0b4c63d7e22:/# 

我列出了目录 –

 root@b0b4c63d7e22:/# ls bin boot core dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var root@b0b4c63d7e22:/# 


 root@b0b4c63d7e22:/# cd bin root@b0b4c63d7e22:/bin# ls bash dnsdomainname ip mount readlink systemctl touch zegrep cat domainname journalctl mountpoint rm systemd true zfgrep chgrp echo kill mv rmdir systemd-ask- password umount zforce chmod egrep ln netstat run-parts systemd-escape uname zgrep chown false login networkctl sed systemd-inhibit uncompress zless cp fgrep loginctl nisdomainname sh systemd-machine- id-setup vdir zmore dash findmnt ls pidof sh.distrib systemd-notify wdctl znew date grep lsblk ping sleep systemd-tmpfiles which dd gunzip mkdir ping6 ss systemd-tty-ask- password-agent ypdomainname df gzexe mknod ps stty tailf zcat dir gzip mktemp pwd su tar zcmp dmesg hostname more rbash sync tempfile zdiff 

然后我想检查服务 –

 root@b0b4c63d7e22:/bin# service amc status amc: unrecognized service 

Aerospike的官方docker集装箱没有Aerospike Server作为守护进程运行,而是作为前台进程运行。 你可以在官方的github DOCKERFILE中看到这个。

AMC不是Aerospike的Docker Image的一部分。 从您select的环境中运行AMC由您决定。

最后,由于您还没有创build自定义aerospike.conf文件,Aerospike服务器将只响应Docker内部networking上的客户端。 -p参数本身并不足以将Aerospike的端口暴露给客户端,如果您希望从Docker环境之外访问客户端,还需要configurationaccess-address 。 有关Aerospikenetworking的更多信息,请访问: https ://



 cat Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:xenial ENV AMC_VERSION 4.0.13 # Install AMC server RUN \ apt-get update -y \ && apt-get install -y wget python python-argparse python-bcrypt python-openssl logrotate net-tools iproute2 iputils-ping \ && wget "${AMC_VERSION}/aerospike-amc-community-${AMC_VERSION}_amd64.deb" -O aerospike-amc.deb \ && dpkg -i aerospike-amc.deb \ && apt-get purge -y # Expose Aerospike ports # # 8081 – amc port # EXPOSE 8081 # Execute the run script in foreground mode ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/amc/amc"] CMD [" -config-file=/etc/amc/amc.conf -config-dir=/etc/amc"] #/opt/amc/amc -config-file=/etc/amc/amc.conf -config-dir=/etc/amc # Docker build sample: # docker build -t amctest . # Docker run sample for running amc on port 8081 # docker run -tid --name amc -p 8081:8081 amctest # and access through 


 docker build -t amctest . Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.69kB Step 1/6 : FROM ubuntu:xenial ---> 2fa927b5cdd3 Step 2/6 : ENV AMC_VERSION 4.0.13 ---> Using cache ---> edd6bddfe7ad Step 3/6 : RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y wget python python-argparse python-bcrypt python-openssl logrotate net-tools iproute2 iputils-ping && wget "${AMC_VERSION}/aerospike-amc-community-${AMC_VERSION}_amd64.deb" -O aerospike-amc.deb && dpkg -i aerospike-amc.deb && apt-get purge -y ---> Using cache ---> f916199044d8 Step 4/6 : EXPOSE 8081 ---> Using cache ---> 06f7888c1721 Step 5/6 : ENTRYPOINT /opt/amc/amc ---> Using cache ---> bc39346cd94f Step 6/6 : CMD -config-file=/etc/amc/amc.conf -config-dir=/etc/amc ---> Using cache ---> 8ae4300e7c7c Successfully built 8ae4300e7c7c Successfully tagged amctest:latest 


 docker run -tid --name amc -p 8081:8081 amctest a07cdd8bf8cec6ba41ce068c01544920136a6905e7a05e9a2c315605f62edfce