
我在本地使用docker composer构build了一个web应用程序。 dockercomposer php有多个服务,它们有各自的docker文件,如下所示:

version: '2' services: # The Application app: build: context: ./ dockerfile: app.dockerfile working_dir: /var/www volumes: - ./:/var/www environment: - "DB_PORT=3306" - "DB_HOST=database" # The Web Server web: build: context: ./ dockerfile: web.dockerfile working_dir: /var/www volumes_from: - app ports: - 9002:80 # The Database database: image: mysql:5.6 volumes: - dbdata:/var/lib/mysql environment: - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=****" - "MYSQL_DATABASE=****" - "MYSQL_USER=***" ports: - "33061:3306" #Cache memcached: image: memcached ports: - "11211:11211" mem_limit: 1g command: memcached -m 1024m volumes: dbdata: 

如何将我的应用程序部署到heroku? 可以使用docker撰写文件来完成吗? 或者我需要build立一个图像。 我是新来的heroku。 请帮忙。

更新:下面是我的docker images命令的输出:

 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE <none> <none> dbdc39e8d1ae 36 hours ago 415MB <none> <none> 6e6ebf3dc133 36 hours ago 559MB simplesms_app latest d43e46560ed8 46 hours ago 761MB simplesms_web latest d1923872bf33 2 days ago 182MB <none> <none> 715ac76296bf 2 days ago 756MB php 7-apache a47f065418d5 3 weeks ago 391MB php 7.0-apache a47f065418d5 3 weeks ago 391MB runwaytest_web latest a47f065418d5 3 weeks ago 391MB php 7.0-fpm 62e3017b4758 3 weeks ago 380MB nginx latest b8efb18f159b 4 weeks ago 107MB mysql 5.6 cdfa8cc50c33 4 weeks ago 298MB mysql 5.7 c73c7527c03a 4 weeks ago 412MB mysql latest c73c7527c03a 4 weeks ago 412MB memcached latest 0b0366c7c206 4 weeks ago 58.6MB hello-world latest 1815c82652c0 2 months ago 1.84kB nginx 1.10 0346349a1a64 5 months ago 182MB startx/sv-memcache latest 706858567fa8 10 months ago 253MB php 7.0.5-fpm e6673411c12c 16 months ago 501MB php 7.0.4-fpm 81d7a2fdc6dc 17 months ago 494MB