Tag: fn

Centos:fn start:挂载/ sys / kernel /安全失败:权限被拒绝

从https://github.com/fnproject/fn安装fn后 我以root身份运行“ fn start ” 我得到以下错误 [root@localhost my-docker-app]# fn start sh: overlay: unknown operand mount: mounting none on /sys/kernel/security failed: Permission denied Could not mount /sys/kernel/security. AppArmor detection and –privileged mode might break. mount: permission denied (are you root?) time="2017-10-07T09:42:36Z" level=error msg="couldn't ping db" error="unable to open database file" url=/app/data/fn.db time="2017-10-07T09:42:36Z" level=fatal msg="Error initializing datastore." […]