
我正在使用gitlab runner和docker docker+machine执行程序来启动AWS上的自动运行的运行程序。 我想使用docker-in-docker设置跑步者内部的容器,但是我找不到如何为生成的跑步者定义所需的[runners.docker]属性来启用[runners.docker]使用。



 [runners.docker] privileged = true 

我使用docker-in-docker构build自己的php容器进行testing,并将它们存储在gitlabsregistry中。 有关构build示例,请参阅,对于构build,请参阅定义

在这里看到我目前的configuration – 其使用S3caching和digitalocean为跑步者:

 concurrent = 10 [[runners]] name = "ec2-autoscale-runner" url = "" token = "12345" executor = "docker+machine" limit = 10 environment = ["COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/cache"] [runners.machine] OffPeakPeriods = [ # Set the Off Peak time mode on for: "* * 0-9,18-23 * * mon-fri *", # - Monday to Friday for 12am to 9am and 6pm to 11pm "* * * * * sat,sun *" # - whole Saturday and Sunday ] OffPeakIdleCount = 0 # There must be 1 machine in Idle state - when Off Peak time mode is on OffPeakIdleTime = 3550 # Each machine can be in Idle state up to 1200 seconds (after this it will be removed) - when Off Peak time mode is on IdleCount = 0 # There must be 5 machines in Idle state - when Off Peak time mode is off IdleTime = 3550 # Each machine can be in Idle state up to 600 seconds (after this it will be removed) - when Off Peak time mode is off MaxBuilds = 100 # Each machine can handle up to 100 builds in a row (after this it will be removed) MachineName = "auto-scale-%s" # Each machine will have a unique name ('%s' is required) MachineDriver = "digitalocean" # Docker Machine is using the 'digitalocean' driver MachineOptions = [ "digitalocean-image=21937863", #"digitalocean-image=20969606", "digitalocean-access-token=12345", "digitalocean-region=fra1", "digitalocean-size=4gb", "digitalocean-private-networking", "digitalocean-ipv6=true" ] [runners.ssh] user = "root" identity_file = "/etc/gitlab-runner/id_rsa" [runners.docker] privileged = true [runners.cache] Type = "s3" ServerAddress = "" AccessKey = "1234" SecretKey = "1234" BucketName = "cwd-gitlab-cache" BucketLocation = "eu-central-1" Insecure = false