
我试图从多个docker集装箱的日志(订单无关紧要)。 这符合预期如果types.ContainerLogsOption.Follow设置为false。



此外,如果我重新启动一个或所有的容器命令不会退出像docker logs -f containerName

 func (w *Whatever) Logs(options LogOptions) { readers := []io.Reader{} for _, container := range options.Containers { responseBody, err := w.Docker.Client.ContainerLogs(context.Background(), container, types.ContainerLogsOptions{ ShowStdout: true, ShowStderr: true, Follow: options.Follow, }) defer responseBody.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } readers = append(readers, responseBody) } // concatenate all readers to one multiReader := io.MultiReader(readers...) _, err := stdcopy.StdCopy(os.Stdout, os.Stderr, multiReader) if err != nil && err != io.EOF { log.Fatal(err) } } 

基本上,我的实现没有很大的不同,从docker logs https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/cli/command/container/logs.go ,因此我想知道是什么原因造成这个问题。

正如JimB所评论的那样,由于io.MultiReader的操作,该方法将io.MultiReader 。 您需要做的是从每个响应中分别读取每个响应并合并输出。 既然你正在处理日志,那么拆散换行符就是有意义的。 bufio.Scanner为单个io.Reader做这个。 所以一种select是创build一个能同时扫描多个阅读器的新types。


 scanner := NewConcurrentScanner(readers...) for scanner.Scan() { fmt.Println(scanner.Text()) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } 


 // ConcurrentScanner works like io.Scanner, but with multiple io.Readers type ConcurrentScanner struct { scans chan []byte // Scanned data from readers errors chan error // Errors from readers done chan struct{} // Signal that all readers have completed cancel func() // Cancel all readers (stop on first error) data []byte // Last scanned value err error } // NewConcurrentScanner starts scanning each reader in a separate goroutine // and returns a *ConcurrentScanner. func NewConcurrentScanner(readers ...io.Reader) *ConcurrentScanner { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) s := &ConcurrentScanner{ scans: make(chan []byte), errors: make(chan error), done: make(chan struct{}), cancel: cancel, } var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(readers)) for _, reader := range readers { // Start a scanner for each reader in it's own goroutine. go func(reader io.Reader) { defer wg.Done() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) for scanner.Scan() { select { case s.scans <- scanner.Bytes(): // While there is data, send it to s.scans, // this will block until Scan() is called. case <-ctx.Done(): // This fires when context is cancelled, // indicating that we should exit now. return } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { select { case s.errors <- err: // Reprort we got an error case <-ctx.Done(): // Exit now if context was cancelled, otherwise sending // the error and this goroutine will never exit. return } } }(reader) } go func() { // Signal that all scanners have completed wg.Wait() close(s.done) }() return s } func (s *ConcurrentScanner) Scan() bool { select { case s.data = <-s.scans: // Got data from a scanner return true case <-s.done: // All scanners are done, nothing to do. case s.err = <-s.errors: // One of the scanners error'd, were done. } s.cancel() // Cancel context regardless of how we exited. return false } func (s *ConcurrentScanner) Bytes() []byte { return s.data } func (s *ConcurrentScanner) Text() string { return string(s.data) } func (s *ConcurrentScanner) Err() error { return s.err } 

下面是在Go游乐场工作的一个例子: https : //play.golang.org/p/EUB0K2V7iT

您可以看到并发扫描器输出是交错的。 而不是阅读所有的一个阅读器,然后移动到下一个,就像用io.MultiReader看到的。