Bitbucketpipe道将问题部署到Google App Engine

我正在尝试将golang应用程序部署到应用程序引擎。 现在我可以通过我的Mac上的gcloud CLI来做到这一点,并且工作正常(运行gcloud app deploy app.yaml)。 但是,我在Bitbucketpipe道上收到以下错误:

+ gcloud --quiet --verbosity=error app deploy app.yaml --promote You are about to deploy the following services: - some-project/default/20171128t070345 (from [/go/src/]) Deploying to URL: [] Beginning deployment of service [default]... ERROR: ( Staging command [/tmp/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/goroot/bin/go-app-stager /go/src/ /tmp/tmpLbUCA5] failed with return code [1]. ------------------------------------ STDOUT ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ STDERR ------------------------------------ 2017/11/28 07:03:45 failed analyzing /go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of: ($GOROOT not set) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) GOPATH: /go -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


 image: golang:onbuild pipelines: branches: develop: - step: script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository. # Downloading the Google Cloud SDK - curl -o /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz - tar -xvf /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz -C /tmp/ - /tmp/google-cloud-sdk/ -q - source /tmp/google-cloud-sdk/ - PACKAGE_PATH="${GOPATH}/src/${BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER}/${BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG}" - mkdir -pv "${PACKAGE_PATH}" - tar -cO --exclude-vcs --exclude=bitbucket-pipelines.yml . | tar -xv -C "${PACKAGE_PATH}" - cd "${PACKAGE_PATH}" - go get -v - go get -u - go build -v - go install - go test -v - echo $GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | base64 --decode --ignore-garbage > ./gcloud-api-key.json - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file gcloud-api-key.json - gcloud components install app-engine-go #- GOROOT="/tmp/go" # Linking to the Google Cloud project - gcloud config set project $CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT # Deploying the application - gcloud --quiet --verbosity=error app deploy app.yaml --promote - echo $GCLOUD_API_KEYFILE | base64 --decode --ignore-garbage > ./gcloud-api-key.json #- gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file gcloud-api-key.json 


 runtime: go api_version: go1 handlers: - url: /.* script: _go_app nobuild_files: - vendor skip_files: - | ^(.*/)?( (#.*#)| (.*\.mapping)| (.*\.po)| (.*\.pot)| (.*\.py[co])| (.*\.sw?)| (.*\.yaml)| (.*_test\.go)| (.*~)| (LICENSE)| (Makefile.*)| (\..*)| (vendor/.*)| )$ 

我相当肯定我的问题是我的bitbucket yaml文件或docker镜像,但是我被卡住了。 有什么想法吗?是否仅在您的testing文件中使用?

go get ,不会默认得到testing依赖关系。

您可以专门添加go get到您的pipe道脚本。