如何将localhost RoR应用程序绑定到语言docker容器?

我有一个在轨道应用程序,这是在0.0.0.0:3000 ruby​​和rubydocker容器在端口0.0.0.0:80。 我想绑定localhost RoR应用程序与docker集装箱,因为postgreSQL在docker集装箱内运行,并希望连接RoR应用程序与docker集装箱内的PostgreSQL。 如何使RoR应用程序和docker容器postgrePSQL之间build立数据库连接。


class CronController < ApplicationController # slack channel hook $slackHook = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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" $discourseHost = 'community.cloudways.com/'; $messageText = "New Notification"; # import http module require 'net/http' =begin A method which build connection with postgreSQL and fetch last 24hr records =end def slackNotification logger.debug "*******Cron Started********" begin $query = "SELECT users.username AS username, topics.title AS topic_title, topics.id AS topic_id, posts.raw AS raw FROM post_replies JOIN posts ON posts.id = post_replies.post_id JOIN users ON users.id = posts.user_id JOIN topics ON topics.user_id = users.id WHERE post_replies.created_at BETWEEN current_date AND current_date - INTERVAL '1' DAY;" $res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(query); # iteration on each record $res.each do |row| sendNotifications row end logger.debug "*******Cron successfully executed.********" render :json => {:status => "true", :message => "Cron successfully executed."} rescue Exception => e logger.fatal "Exception: #{e}" end end =begin such method which take payload and send it to slack hook url @params row =end def sendNotifications row $title = row['topic_title'] $topicId = row['topic_id'] $content = row['raw'] begin uri = URI.parse($slackHook) # Full control http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) response = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, { 'payload' => '{ "fallback": "#{$messageText}", "text": "#{$title}", "pretext": "<http://#{$discourseHost}|#{$title}>", "color": "#36a64f", "fields": [ { "title": "#{$title}" , "value": "#{$content}", "short": false } ] }' }) rescue Exception => e logger.fatal " Attributes: title: #{$title}, topicId: #{$topicId}, content: #{$content}, URL: <http://#{$discourseHost}|#{$title}> " logger.fatal "Exception: #{e}" end end end 

发布选项将映射端口docker-compose run --publish 3000:3000

您也可以在您的docker yml文件中指定

港口: – “881:80” – “3000:3000”

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