/ bin / sh:apt-get:找不到

我正在尝试更改dockerFile以使用aspell。 我有一个bash脚本,我想在docker中包装

Step 4: Wrap the script in a Docker container. The sample SDK we downloaded earlier contains an example of an action wrapped in a Docker container. In particular, the sample SDK includes a Dockerfile that builds the C program in client/example.c and installs the binary as /blackbox/client/action . The key line in the sample Dockerfile is: RUN cd /blackbox/client; gcc -o action example.c Instead of compiling example.c and installing the binary as an action, we'll change the Dockerfile to install aspell into the Linux environment, and then install our action.sh script as the executable action command. To do so, we delete the RUN command above, and insert the following commands into the Dockerfile: RUN apt-get install -y aspell RUN rm -f /blackbox/client/action ADD action.sh /blackbox/client/action 


 # Dockerfile for example whisk docker action FROM openwhisk/dockerskeleton ENV FLASK_PROXY_PORT 8080 ### Add source file(s) ADD example.c /action/example.c RUN sudo apt-get install -y aspell RUN rm -f /blackbox/client/action ADD action.sh /blackbox/client/action CMD ["/home/huseyin/bin", "-c", "cd actionProxy && python -u actionproxy.py"] 

教程是过时的,所以我不能成功做到这一点。 你可以帮我吗?

你使用的图像是基于Alpine的 ,所以你不能使用apt-get因为它是Ubuntu的包pipe理器。


apk updateapk add

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