在将/ var / lib / mysql挂载到本地主机卷时,Mysql不会在docker容器中启动

我有以下的Dockerfile来创build一个运行的容器,NGINX和MYSQL。 我试图挂载/ var / lib / mysql到本地Docker主机,以便在容器被销毁后保留MySQL数据库。

FROM ubuntu:16.04 MAINTAINER - ****** ## Install php nginx mysql supervisor ### ######################################## RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \ php-fpm \ php-cli \ php-gd \ php-mcrypt \ php-mysql \ php-curl \ php-xml \ php-json \ nginx \ curl \ unzip \ mysql-server \ supervisor ### Nginx & PHP-FPM ### ######################## # Remove the default Nginx configuration file RUN rm -v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Copy configuration files from the current directory ADD files/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ADD files/php-fpm.conf /etc/php/7.0/fpm/ ### MYSQL ### ############ ENV ROOT_PWD test ### Supervisor.conf ### ###################### ADD files/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf ### Container configuration ### ############################### EXPOSE 80 VOLUME /DATA VOLUME /var/lib/mysql # Set the default command to execute # when creating a new container ADD start.sh / RUN chmod u+x /start.sh CMD /start.sh 


 #!/bin/sh # 1.MYSQL SETUP # # ########### MYSQL_CHARSET=${MYSQL_CHARSET:-"utf8"} MYSQL_COLLATION=${MYSQL_COLLATION:-"utf8_unicode_ci"} create_data_dir() { mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql chmod -R 0700 /var/lib/mysql chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql } create_run_dir() { mkdir -p /run/mysqld chmod -R 0755 /run/mysqld chown -R mysql:root /run/mysqld } create_log_dir() { mkdir -p /var/log/mysql chmod -R 0755 /var/log/mysql chown -R mysql:mysql /var/log/mysql } mysql_default_install() { /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --datadir=/var/lib/mysql } create_modx_database() { # start mysql server. /usr/bin/mysqld_safe >/dev/null 2>&1 & # wait for mysql server to start (max 30 seconds). timeout=30 echo -n "Waiting for database server to accept connections" while ! /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root status >/dev/null 2>&1 do timeout=$(($timeout - 1)) if [ $timeout -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\nCould not connect to database server. Aborting..." exit 1 fi echo -n "." sleep 1 done echo # create database and assign user permissions. if [ -n "${DB_NAME}" -a -n "${DB_USER}" -a -n "${DB_PASS}" ]; then echo "Creating database \"${DB_NAME}\" and granting access to \"${DB_USER}\" database." mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE ${DB_NAME};" mysql -uroot -e "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ${DB_USER}@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '${DB_PASS}';" mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${DB_NAME}.* TO ${DB_USER}@localhost;" fi } set_mysql_root_pw() { # set root password for mysql. echo "Setting root password" /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password "${ROOT_PWD}" # shutdown mysql reeady for supervisor to start mysql. /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root --password=${ROOT_PWD} shutdown } # 2.NGINX & PHP-FPM # # ################ create_www_dir() { # Create LOG directoties for NGINX & PHP-FPM echo "Creating www directories" mkdir -p /DATA/logs/php-fpm mkdir -p /DATA/logs/nginx mkdir -p /DATA/www } apply_www_permissions(){ echo "Applying www permissions" chown -R www-data:www-data /DATA/www /DATA/logs } # Running all script functions create_data_dir create_run_dir create_log_dir mysql_default_install create_modx_database set_mysql_root_pw create_www_dir apply_www_permissions # Start Supervisor echo "Starting Supervisor" /usr/bin/supervisord -n -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf 

我可以成功运行容器,而无需使用以下命令将/ var / lib / mysql文件夹挂载到本地docker主机:

 docker run --name modx.test --expose 80 -d -e 'VIRTUAL_HOST=modx.test' -e 'DB_NAME=modx' -e 'DB_USER=modx' -e 'DB_PASS=test' -v /data/sites/test:/DATA modx 

如果我尝试使用以下命令挂载/ var / lib / mysql:

 docker run --name modx.test --expose 80 -d -e 'VIRTUAL_HOST=modx.test' -e 'DB_NAME=modx' -e 'DB_USER=modx' -e 'DB_PASS=test' -v /data/sites/test:/DATA -v /data/sites/test/mysql:/var/lib/mysql modx 

会发生以下错误: 2017-08-24 07:47:22 [ERROR] The data directory '/var/lib/mysql' already exist and is not empty. Waiting for database server to accept connections.............................-e Could not connect to database server. Aborting... 2017-08-24 07:47:22 [ERROR] The data directory '/var/lib/mysql' already exist and is not empty. Waiting for database server to accept connections.............................-e Could not connect to database server. Aborting...

pipe理解决问题。 通过使用/usr/sbin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --datadir=/var/lib/mysql ,还要添加一个IF子句来检查是否已经创build了初始数据库。

 mysql_default_install() { if [ ! -d "/var/lib/mysql/mysql" ]; then echo "Creating the default database" /usr/sbin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --datadir=/var/lib/mysql else echo "MySQL database already initialiazed" fi }