如何使用python docker API写入启用TLS的docker中的stdin?

我正在使用基于TLS的docker使用python API。


echo ls | docker run --rm -i gliderlabs/alpine sh 



 # one needs to start the container first, and it is not possible to start the shell directly # because methoed "run" does not support returning a socket # one also needs to detach it otherwise the container waits synchronously for the end of the command # calling "sleep" works, it is actually good because it means that the container will timeout if something goes bad container = client.containers.run("gliderlabs/alpine", command= "sleep 100", detach = True) # now we call the shell # note that we don't set tty=True otherwise one gets the shell invite socket = container.exec_run(cmd="sh", stdin=True, socket = True) # we set the timeout in order not to be blocked afterwards with blocking read socket.socket.settimeout(1) # note that os.write does not work # because it does not TLS-encrypt # one must use "sendall" instead socket.sendall(b"ls\n") # a read block after a send try: unknown_byte=socket.recv(1) while 1: # note that os.read does not work # because it does not TLS-decrypt # but returns the low-level encrypted data # one must use "socket.recv" instead data = socket.recv(16384) if not data: break print(data.decode('utf8')) except so.timeout: pass socket.sendall(b"exit\n")