Ember js和Docker没有find余烬cli-build

我不确定是什么问题,因为当我做的烬它工作正常,但是当我做docker组成,它会引发这个错误:web_1 | 错误:找不到ember-cli-build.js。 请参阅转换指南: https : //github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli/blob/master/TRANSITION.md#user-content-brocfile-transition

并且该文件位于目录中; 有任何想法吗?


# 1: Use node 6.4.0 as base: FROM node:6.4.0 # Install Ember CLI and Bower and NPM RUN npm install RUN npm install -g ember-cli@2.7.0 RUN npm install -g bower # install watchman RUN \ git clone https://github.com/facebook/watchman.git &&\ cd watchman &&\ git checkout v3.5.0 &&\ ./autogen.sh &&\ ./configure &&\ make &&\ make install # Expose the app and live-reload ports: EXPOSE 4200 35730 # Set the default command: CMD ["ember", "server", "--live-reload-port", "35730"] 


  version: '2' services: web: image: danlynn/ember-cli:2.7.0 build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile command: ember server --live-reload-port 35730 #entrypoint: /usr/src/app/development-entrypoint volumes: # Mount the app code inside the container's `/usr/src/app` directory: - .:/usr/src/app # Keep the stdin open, so we can attach to our app container's process # and do things such as debugging, etc: stdin_open: true # Enable sending signals (CTRL+C, CTRL+P + CTRL+Q) into the container: tty: true ports: # Bind the host's 4200 port to the container's ember app server # port 4200: - 4200:4200 # Bind the host's 35730 port to the container's ember cli live reload # server port 35730: - 35730:35730