
我更新了一台服务器,并在服务器上安装了Docker。 一切都是成功的,在一定程度上。 我正在通过创build一个Docker镜像的例子之一,我得到了以下错误:

sudo docker运行hello-world无法在本地查找图像'hello-world:latest'拉存储库hello-world FATA获取https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/hello-world/images :拨打tcp连接超时


[{"checksum": "", "id": "e45a5af57b00862e5ef5782a9925979a02ba2b12dff832fd0991335f4a11e5c5"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "31cbccb51277105ba3ae35ce33c22b69c9e3f1002e76e4c736a2e8ebff9d7b5d"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "ef872312fe1bbc5e05aae626791a47ee9b032efa8f3bda39cc0be7b56bfe59b9"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "7fa0dcdc88de9c8a856f648c1f8e0cf8141a505bbddb7ecc0c61f1ed5e086852"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "bf16b6e27882c0790071c95326e0186eccd2b8ac2bd5ef34fecdbb332a90926e"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "8f5550346e6173730dca712d1fc87e671ae04d5899d6c4290f7897c054b2318e"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "f86750113cd23609d504342d39015d5c7f218935b8420dd43b79cd99f4f93960"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "0a1b1cfaa9a2153fdabe163d562fe1321a5c1d1db3a59e0fac7c65f966bc38a9"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "511136ea3c5a64f264b78b5433614aec563103b4d4702f3ba7d4d2698e22c158"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "2505d942a91db2045278f9d5c58067414d367c02506bbba96f0769a6ac6ad47b"}, {"checksum": "", "id": "565a9d68a73f6706862bfe8409a7f659776d4d60a8d096eb4a3cbce6999cc2a1"}] 

searchnetworking显示了一些其他的这些错误,但决议没有在这里工作。 这可能是一个代理或端口的问题?


 docker version Client version: 1.6.1 Client API version: 1.18 Go version (client): go1.4.2 Git commit (client): 97cd073 OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64 FATA[0000] Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.18/version: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: permission denied. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS? 

当我运行docker pull hello-world我得到以下的回应:

FATA [0000]发布http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.18/images/create?fromImage = hello-world%3Alatest :dial unix /var/run/docker.sock:permission denied。 您是否尝试连接到启用TLS的守护程序而不使用TLS?

当我运行sudo docker pull hello-world时,即使我可以成功修改URL,也会收到一条超时消息 –

FATA获取https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/hello-world/images:dial tcp连接超时

尝试curl -v https://index.docker.io:443返回

 * Rebuilt URL to: https://index.docker.io:443/ * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Trying * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) * Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to index.docker.io:443 * Proxy auth using Basic with user 'chance1' > CONNECT index.docker.io:443 HTTP/1.1 > Host: index.docker.io:443 > Proxy-Authorization: Basic Y2hhbmNlMToyMDBEdWxsZXM= > User-Agent: curl/7.35.0 > Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive > < HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established < * Proxy replied OK to CONNECT request * successfully set certificate verify locations: * CAfile: none CApath: /etc/ssl/certs * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16): * SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20): * SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1): * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20): * SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 * Server certificate: * subject: OU=GT98568428; OU=See www.rapidssl.com/resources/cps (c)15; OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R); CN=*.docker.io * start date: 2015-03-19 17:34:32 GMT * expire date: 2018-04-21 01:51:52 GMT * subjectAltName: index.docker.io matched * issuer: C=US; O=GeoTrust Inc.; CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 * SSL certificate verify ok. > GET / HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.35.0 > Host: index.docker.io > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY * Server nginx/1.6.2 is not blacklisted < Server: nginx/1.6.2 < Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 20:43:03 GMT < Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Connection: close < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN < Location: https://registry.hub.docker.com/ < Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 < * Closing connection 0 * SSLv3, TLS alert, Client hello (1): 

从你的curl命令中,很明显你正在使用代理。 所以,你需要做以下的事情(在Ubuntu中)使其工作:
1.编辑你的/etc/default/docker文件(根据你的/etc/apt/apt.conf文件,取消注释和编辑命令export http_proxy="..."
2. sudo service docker restart
3.最后testingsudo docker login

我试过“curl -v https://index.docker.io:443 ”并返回成功后,它工作,没有更多的“TLS握手超时”。