
我原型是Openshift Origin的最新版本。

操作系统:RHEL 7.3


oc v1.5.1 + 7b451fc

kubernetes v1.5.2 + 43a9be4

  • 安装使用sudo用户完成
  • 使用oc cluster up启动openshift
  • 作为默认的用户开发人员login到openshift
  • 尝试使用oc new-app hello-world部署docker helloworld应用oc new-app hello-world
  • 使用oc get pod以获取状态
  • 状态是错误的


hello-world-1-deploy 0/1错误0 57m

  • 使用oc logs hello-world-1-deploy检查oc logs hello-world-1-deploy所显示的错误是


试过谷歌,并得到了很多类似的问题的参考,大多数表示它是固定在最新版本(或类似的答案)。 看起来像一个kubernetes问题,但仍然没有运气。 作为一个新手没有得到方向。 任何人都可以对这个错误有所了解。

运行oc adm diagnostics发现错误

 [Note] Running diagnostic: DiagnosticPod Description: Create a pod to run diagnostics from the application standpoint ERROR: [DCli2012 from diagnostic DiagnosticPod@openshift/origin/pkg/diagnostics/client/run_diagnostics_pod.go:155] See the errors below in the output from the diagnostic pod: [Note] Running diagnostic: PodCheckAuth Description: Check that service account credentials authenticate as expected ERROR: [DP1001 from diagnostic PodCheckAuth@openshift/origin/pkg/diagnostics/pod/auth.go:53] could not read the service account token: open /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token: no such file or directory [Note] Running diagnostic: PodCheckDns Description: Check that DNS within a pod works as expected [Note] Summary of diagnostics execution (version v1.5.1+7b451fc): [Note] Errors seen: 1 [Note] Running diagnostic: NetworkCheck Description: Create a pod on all schedulable nodes and run network diagnostics from the application standpoint ERROR: [DNet2001 from diagnostic NetworkCheck@openshift/origin/pkg/diagnostics/network/run_pod.go:77] Checking network plugin failed. Error: User "developer" cannot get clusternetworks at the cluster scope [Note] Running diagnostic: ClusterRegistry Description: Check that there is a working Docker registry ERROR: [DClu1006 from diagnostic ClusterRegistry@openshift/origin/pkg/diagnostics/cluster/registry.go:209] The "docker-registry" service exists but has no associated pods, so it is not available. Builds and deployments that use the registry will fail. [Note] Running diagnostic: ClusterRouterName Description: Check there is a working router ERROR: [DClu2007 from diagnostic ClusterRouter@openshift/origin/pkg/diagnostics/cluster/router.go:156] The "router" DeploymentConfig exists but has no running pods, so it is not available. Apps will not be externally accessible via the router. 


  1. 卸载1.13最新的并安装了1.12最新的docker引擎。
  2. 使用centos存储库完成安装。 参考
  3. 使用的命令


sudo yum安装docker-engine-selinux-1.12.6-1.el7.centos.noarch


sudo yum安装docker-engine-1.12.6-1.el7.centos.x86_64
