
我正在关注Docker页面上的入门教程,我在本地有一个镜像,并通过上的Docker Hub网页创build了一个repo。


 { "auths": { "": { "auth": "secret_string", "email": "" } } } 


 David@Plod MINGW64 ~ $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE banksysan/docker-whale latest 654156f34320 41 minutes ago 274.2 MB docker-whale latest 654156f34320 41 minutes ago 274.2 MB hello-world latest 0a6ba66e537a 3 months ago 960 B kitematic/hello-world-nginx latest 38502dd72c08 7 months ago 7.913 MB docker/whalesay latest ded5e192a685 8 months ago 247 MB David@Plod MINGW64 ~ $ docker push banksysan/docker-whale The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1) 654156f34320: Preparing unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized 
