在Bluemix中检查cf iclogin中的networking错误

我正在尝试使用IBM容器,当我尝试命令“cf ic login”时出现以下错误

Deleting old configuration file... Retrieving client certificates for IBM Containers... Storing client certificates in /root/.ice/certs/... Storing client certificates in /root/.ice/certs/containers-api.ng.bluemix.net/9ffac48d-4bb7-4f01-a2cc-3a6b4fd64404... OK The client certificates were retrieved. Checking local Docker configuration... OK Authenticating with the IBM Containers registry host registry.ng.bluemix.net... OK You are authenticated with the IBM Containers registry. FAILED Error getting response, check your network connection 

有人可以build议我哪里错了吗? 我可以使用云代工'cf login'命令成功loginbluemix。 但是,cflogin命令失败。


 Authenticating with the IBM Containers registry host registry.ng.bluemix.net... OK You are authenticated with the IBM Containers registry. Your organization's private Bluemix registry: registry.ng.bluemix.net/yournamespacehere 

两个想法 – 第一,命名空间(即您的registry名称)集? 试试cf ic namespace get来看看是否有效。 其次,也许尝试做一次cf ic init来重新生成login证书,然后在registry中重新使用它们(对其的访问似乎是失败的步骤)。