
有没有一种方法可以在发出docker run命令的terminal中显示回显。 如果没有使用-d选项,那么在这里只显示echo。 我可以做docker日志看到这些回声,但我想知道是否有方法让他们直接在terminal发出运行命令?


# Generic Docker Image for Running Node app from Git Repository FROM node:0.10.33-slim ENV NODE_ENV production # Add script to pull Node app from Git and run the app COPY / RUN chmod +x / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] EXPOSE 8080 CMD ["--help"] 


 #!/bin/bash set -e # Run the command passed in if it isn't to start a node app if [ "$1" != 'node-server' ]; then exec "$@" fi # Logic for pulling the node app and starting it cd /usr/src # try to remove the repo if it already exists rm -rf node-app; true echo "Pulling Node app's source from $2" git clone $2 node-app cd node-app # Check if we should be running a specific commit from the git repo if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then echo "Changing to commit $3" git checkout $3 fi npm install echo "Starting the app" exec node . 

你可以有-d或者stdout,但不能同时使用。 如果你想用stdout在后台运行容器,你可以使用&

 $ docker run ubuntu echo "Stdout from container" & [1] 2751 $ Stdout from container 

或者你可以使用-d和docker logs -f