
Environment: - Vagrant (1.9.1) Ubuntu 14.04: - Docker (version 1.12.5): - RabbitMQ v3.6.5 - Client (Celery app v4.0.2, Python 2.7) - Server (Celery app v4.0.2, Python 3.5) 


 Workflow #1: 1. py.test (TestApp) starts in docker RabbitMQ and Server application. 2. TestApp registers "new" Client by sending task to Server. 3. TestApp starts in docker Client application. 4. Client and Server do a "handshake" by own protocol. 5. TestApp sends task to Client for test purposes (TestTask). 6. Client receives task immediately and executes it. Workflow #2: 1. py.test (TestApp) starts in docker RabbitMQ and Server application. 2. TestApp registers "active" Client by sending task to Server. 3. TestApp starts in docker Client application. 4. TestApp sends task to Client for test purposes (TestTask). 6. Client receives task after 60 seconds (THIS IS A PROBLEM). Workflow #2: 1. py.test (TestApp) starts in docker RabbitMQ and Server application. 2. TestApp registers "active" Client by sending task to Server. 3. TestApp starts in docker Client application. 4. TestApp sleeps for 20 seconds. 5. TestApp sends task to Client for test purposes (TestTask). 6. Client receives task immediately and executes it. 





我对这种行为没有任何想法。 我需要尽快执行任务,而不是经过这么大的延迟。

