

library(readr) read_csv("myfile.csv") 


 Warning message in OlsonNames(): “no Olson database found” 


 Error: Unknown TZ UTC Traceback: 1. read_csv("myfile.csv") 2. read_delimited(file, tokenizer, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, . locale = locale, skip = skip, comment = comment, n_max = n_max, . guess_max = guess_max, progress = progress) 3. col_spec_standardise(data, skip = skip, comment = comment, guess_max = guess_max, . col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, tokenizer = tokenizer, . locale = locale) 4. guess_header(ds_header, tokenizer, locale) 5. guess_header_(datasource, tokenizer, locale) 6. default_locale() 7. locale() 8. check_tz(tz) 9. stop("Unknown TZ ", x, call. = FALSE) 


如何在R Jupyter笔记本上安装Olson数据库,以便read_csv能按预期运行?


我在Jupyter笔记本上独立地收到使用OlsonNames()调用相同的错误。 我正在运行的Jupyter笔记本是在https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/tree/master/r-notebook指定的容器



 # R packages RUN conda install --quiet --yes \ 'r-base=3.3.2' \ 'r-irkernel=0.7*' \ 'r-plyr=1.8*' \ 'r-devtools=1.12*' \ 'r-tidyverse=1.0*' \ 'r-shiny=0.14*' \ 'r-rmarkdown=1.2*' \ 'r-forecast=7.3*' \ 'r-rsqlite=1.1*' \ 'r-reshape2=1.4*' \ 'r-nycflights13=0.2*' \ 'r-caret=6.0*' \ 'r-rcurl=1.95*' \ 'r-crayon=1.3*' \ 'r-randomforest=4.6*' && \ conda clean -tipsy && \ fix-permissions $CONDA_DIR 

操作系统:Ubuntu Core 14.04


 jovyan@6cf5af1246ff:~$ R -- version WARNING: unknown option '--' ARGUMENT 'version' __ignored__ R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch" Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. [Previously saved workspace restored] > 

OlsonNames函数非常简单。 在3.3.2中,它在这些位置查找时区名称:

  tzdirs <- c(Sys.getenv("TZDIR"), file.path(R.home("share"), "zoneinfo"), "/usr/share/zoneinfo", "/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo", "/usr/lib/zoneinfo", "/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo", "/etc/zoneinfo", "/usr/etc/zoneinfo") 

您需要确保列出的目录之一可用。 如果系统中没有硬编码的,请将TZDIR设置为指向副本。