
我正在尝试创buildDockerfile来构build我们的可重新使用的映像。 我到目前为止是

FROM crystaltwix/centos-mono MAINTAINER crystaltwix ADD ./rpms/MyRpm.rpm ./rpms RUN yum --nogpgcheck localinstall ./rpms/MyRpm.rpm 


 Cannot open: ./rpms/Myrpm.rpm. Skipping. 


 sudo docker run -i -t -v /home/crystaltwix/projects/rpms:/opt/rpms crystaltwix/centos-mono /bin/bash 


 yum --nogpgcheck localinstall ./rpms/MyRpm.rpm 

这工作正常。 它只是不能在我的Dockerfile中工作。 我是否缺lessDockerfile构build图像的具体方法? 提前致谢。

https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#addIf <src> is any other kind of file, it is copied individually along with its metadata. In this case, if <dest> ends with a trailing slash /, it will be considered a directory and the contents of <src> will be written at <dest>/base(<src>). If <src> is any other kind of file, it is copied individually along with its metadata. In this case, if <dest> ends with a trailing slash /, it will be considered a directory and the contents of <src> will be written at <dest>/base(<src>).

ADD ./rpms/MyRpm.rpm ./rpms导致./rpms是MyRpm.rpm文件。 尝试使用ADD ./rpms/MyRpm.rpm ./rpms/